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Odin Superdrol 50mg 50tabs

Out Of Stock
Pack: Price per Item Total
$105.00 $105.00
$95.00 $475.00
$90.00 $900.00
Dosage 50mg/tab
Total amount 50tabs
Component Methyldrostanolone

Buy Odin Superdrol 50mg 50tabs on

Odin Superdrol 50mg is a powerful supplement designed to help users increase muscle mass and strength. Each bottle contains 50 tablets, with each tablet containing 50mg of Superdrol. This potent formula is perfect for bodybuilders and athletes looking to enhance their performance and achieve their fitness goals.
Superdrol is known for its ability to promote rapid muscle growth, improved endurance, and increased strength. Users can expect to see noticeable results in a short period of time when combined with a proper diet and exercise routine.
Additionally, Odin Superdrol is formulated with high-quality ingredients to ensure maximum effectiveness and safety. It is a reliable choice for those looking to take their physique to the next level. Take your training to new heights and experience the benefits of Odin Superdrol 50mg today.

FAQs for Odin Superdrol 50mg 50tabs

  1. What are the benefits of using Odin Superdrol 50mg tablets? Odin Superdrol 50mg tablets are known for their potent anabolic properties. Superdrol, or Methasterone, is a powerful oral steroid that may help users achieve rapid increases in muscle mass and strength. It's also associated with enhancing muscle fullness, recovery, and overall performance. Users typically seek out Superdrol for its fast-acting results and its reputation as a 'dry' compound, which means it doesn't cause much water retention compared to some other steroids.

  2. How to take Odin Superdrol 50mg tablets for best results? For best results, Odin Superdrol 50mg tablets should be taken in a dosage and cycle length as recommended by the manufacturer or healthcare professional. Due to its potency and possible liver toxicity, it's typically used in short cycles (e.g., 4-6 weeks) and at controlled doses. It's also advisable to split the daily dosage into smaller doses to maintain stable blood levels. Users often combine Superdrol with proper diet and exercise programs and might also consider on-cycle support and post-cycle therapy to mitigate side effects.

  3. Are there any side effects associated with Odin Superdrol 50mg tablets? Odin Superdrol 50mg tablets, like other potent oral steroids, can be associated with a range of side effects. These include liver stress or damage, negative impacts on cholesterol levels, increased blood pressure, potential suppression of natural testosterone production, and more. Users might experience short-term side effects such as headaches, lethargy, and changes in appetite. Due to the risk of liver toxicity, it's particularly important to monitor liver health during use and to avoid alcohol and other hepatotoxic substances.

  4. What makes Odin Superdrol 50mg tablets stand out from other similar products? Odin Superdrol 50mg tablets stand out due to their high dosage of Methasterone and reputation for producing significant gains in a relatively short period. However, this increased potency also comes with a higher risk of side effects, which should be carefully considered. The reputation of the Odin brand for quality and consistency may also contribute to why users might prefer this product over others.

  5. Where to buy authentic Odin Superdrol 50mg tablets? Authentic Odin Superdrol 50mg tablets can be purchased from licensed pharmacies or authorized suppliers. It's vital to ensure that the source is legitimate to avoid counterfeit or adulterated products. Potential buyers should be aware of the legal implications and regulations in their country regarding the purchase and use of anabolic steroids.

Product reviews for Odin Superdrol 50mg 50tabs

Review 1:

Name: James Peterson
Rating: 4.8/5

"I have been using Odin Superdrol 50mg 50tabs for a while now, and I must say I am impressed with the results. The strength of 50mg per tablet really gives me the boost I need during my workouts. I followed the recommended dosage instructions, and it has significantly improved my muscle gains. The main ingredient, Superdrol, is effective in enhancing performance and definition. Overall, this product has exceeded my expectations."

Review 2:

Name: Ava Thompson
Rating: 4.7/5

"Odin Superdrol 50mg 50tabs is a game-changer for my fitness journey. The quantity of 50 tablets per pack lasts me a good amount of time, making it a cost-effective option. I did not experience any adverse side effects while using this product, which is a huge plus. The brand reputation of Odin reassured me of the product's quality. I highly recommend these tablets for anyone looking to take their workouts to the next level."

Review 3:

Name: Tyler Hamilton
Rating: 4.9/5

"After trying different supplements, I can confidently say that Odin Superdrol 50mg 50tabs is one of the best in the market. The benefits of using these tablets are noticeable within a short period. I appreciate the clear instructions on dosage and usage provided by the brand. The strength of 50mg per tablet is just right for my needs. The results speak for themselves, and I am extremely satisfied with this product."

Review 4:

Name: Olivia Martinez
Rating: 4.5/5

"I was initially hesitant to try Odin Superdrol 50mg 50tabs, but I am glad I did. The product form of tablets is convenient and easy to incorporate into my daily routine. The main ingredient Superdrol is potent and delivers on its promises. I have seen significant improvements in my muscle definition and overall performance since I started using this product. The quality and effectiveness of these tablets make them a must-have for serious fitness enthusiasts."


Superdrol is an anabolic steroid that carries a bit of a unique history compared to many anabolic steroids. Superdrol itself is merely a brand name of an over the counter anabolic steroid sold as a pro hormone or nutritional supplement by Anabolic Extreme. While an anabolic steroid, the active hormone Methyldrostanolone had never been placed on the controlled substance list in the U.S. and in 2005 it would hit the shelves of most major supplement companies and enjoyed massive success. However, in 2006 due to tremendous FDA pressure Superdrol would be discontinued. While the Superdrol brand was short lived, over the counter and black market Methyldrostanolone would continue to appear around the world until mid-2012. In 2012 Methyldrostanolone would be placed on the U.S. controlled substance list and classified as a Schedule III controlled substance along with all anabolic steroids.
Methyldrostanolone or Superdrol, while it did not appear on the market until 2005 is not a new anabolic steroid. Syntex first created the Methyldrostanolone hormone in 1959 at the same time as Drostanolone (Masteron) and Oxymetholone (Anadrol). However, the Methyldrostanolone hormone never received a pharmaceutical push like the other two hormones. The exception would be its inclusion in Dimethazine; a compound that metabolically dissolved and converted to Methyldrostanolone post administration. As we dive into the Superdrol compound, as you may have already guessed we will find it is very similar to Drostanolone or the popular anabolic steroid Masteron.

Superdrol Functions & Traits:
Superdrol is an anabolic androgenic steroid comprised of the active steroidal hormone Methyldrostanolone. This is a dihydrotestosterone (DHT) derived anabolic steroid or more specifically a structurally altered form of Drostanolone. Superdrol is simply the Drostanolone hormone with an added methyl group at the 17th carbon position that allows the hormone to survive oral ingestion and officially classifies it as a C17-alpha alkylated (C17-aa) anabolic steroid. It also carries an added methyl group at the carbon two position, which greatly increases its anabolic power. These slight alterations will also reduce Superdrol’s androgenicity compared to Masteron, which isn’t all that androgenic to begin with.
On a structural basis, Superdrol carries an anabolic rating of 400; nearly four times that of Masteron. It will also carry an androgenic rating of 20, which is extremely mild. This is a non-aromatizing anabolic steroid carrying no estrogenic or progesterone activity.
When looking at the traits of Superdrol, there is nothing all that remarkable about this steroid compared to many others. The mere fact that it enjoyed years of grey legality is truly the only remarkable attribute. This isn’t to take away from the steroid’s ability, but is merely stated to clear up any confusion or misguided notions. Superdrol will notably enhance protein synthesis and nitrogen retention. Protein synthesis refers to the rate by which cells build proteins and nitrogen represents a key component in muscle tissue composition. The enhancement in both areas promotes a stronger anabolic atmosphere enabling the individual to build more lean tissue or preserve it during a calorie restricted state. The hormone will also significantly increase red blood cell count providing greater muscular endurance. This is due to red blood cells being responsible for carrying oxygen to and through the blood and the increase in cells providing greater blood oxygenation.

Effects of Superdrol:
When looking at the effects of Superdrol, the best way to describe the steroid as is a total body transforming product. Through its marketing campaign it was touted as being a more powerful mass builder than Anadrol, hence the name Superdrol; a play on words “Super Anadrol.” However, athletes who have used both will attest the effects of Superdrol will in no way lead to mass gains even comparable to Anadrol. However, significant gains in lean tissue can be made so as long as adequate calories are consumed. A gain of 5-10lbs is more than possible and will not be accompanied by the water retention Anadrol often brings. The individual should also find he is able to make cleaner off-season gains due to the effects of Superdrol promoting a stronger metabolism. This is not to say body fat cannot be gained, but you should be able to make better use of your caloric surplus when Superdrol is in play.
The effects of Superdrol can also be very beneficial to the dieting athlete as a cutting steroid. This compound will greatly preserve lean tissue during a caloric deficit, a key component to successful dieting. In order to lose body fat we must burn more calories than we consume. This puts lean tissue at risk as the body will take what it needs to meet its energy demands from anywhere it can get it. Due to the body’s natural survival instinct, it will often take energy from muscle tissue rather than body fat. The key to successful dieting is ensuring that not only is fat lost but the lean tissue we hold is preserved. The effects of Superdrol will ensure this goal is met. Through the effects of Superdrol the individual should also notice greatly improved conditioning in terms of a dryer, harder look. This isn’t all that surprising when we consider this steroid is in many ways oral Masteron, a steroid well known for promoting such traits.
Regardless of your reason for use, bulking or cutting, the effects of Superdrol will improve recovery and muscular endurance. We cannot call it the strongest steroid in this regard but the improvements will be significant, and as with all steroids the most important. You will not tire out as fast allowing for work to be done at a maximal level for longer periods of time. This does not mean training time frames need to be increased, but rather they become more efficient. The entire point behind anabolic steroid use is to take what you’re already doing right and to simply do it better. Then we have recovery, and this is where the effects of Superdrol as with many anabolic steroids become invaluable. Recovery is where progress is made. Progress isn’t actually made in the gym when training. When training we are actually tearing our muscle tissue down, and when we recover this is where it is built, repaired and becomes stronger.

Side Effects of Superdrol:
There are possible side effects of Superdrol all users must be aware of. This is not what we’d label an unfriendly anabolic steroid, but the possible side effects of Superdol can be potentially problematic in a few key areas. Those with high cholesterol or existing liver issues must not use this anabolic steroid. If you are healthy enough for use, you will need to put in a good bit of effort into controlling these areas of your health. In order to help you understand the possible side effects of Superdrol, we have broken them down into their separate categories along with all the information you’ll need.

The side effects of Superdrol do not include any of an estrogenic nature. Gynecomastia and water retention will be impossible with this steroid. An anti-estrogen is not necessary due to the use of Methyldrostanolone.

The side effects of Superdrol can include those of an androgenic nature. However, due to a low androgenic nature the threshold for such effects should be fairly high with most men. Possible androgenic side effects of Superdrol include acne, hair loss in those predisposed to male pattern baldness and body hair growth. These effects are highly dependent on genetic predispositions, but even if sensitive you will not be able to reduce the androgenicity of this hormone. The Methyldrostanolone hormone is not metabolized by the 5-alpha reductase enzyme making 5-alpha reductase inhibitors like Finasteride useless with this steroid.
The androgenic nature of Superdrol can also promote virilization in women. Such side effects of Superdrol include body hair growth, a deepening of the vocal chords and clitoral enlargement. Despite carrying a low androgenic nature the translating androgenic activity in women does appear to be stronger than its rating would imply. Use without virilization is possible, but it will take very low doses. Most women will find other anabolic steroids like Oxandrolone (Anavar) to be better choices. If a female athlete decides to try Superdrol, if virilization symptoms begin to show it should be discontinued immediately. If use is discontinued at the onset of symptoms they will fade away rapidly. If the symptoms are ignored and use continues, they may become irreversible.

The side effects of Superdrol in this category can be some of the most concerning of all. The Methyldrostanolone hormone can have a strong, negative impact on lipids by significantly lowering HDL cholesterol (good cholesterol) and increasing LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol). Despite carrying no estrogenic activity, therefore no water retention, Methyltestosterone may also have a negative impact on blood pressure. However, cholesterol issues are far more likely than blood pressure, but both are possible.
Due to the possible cardiovascular issues created by Superdrol, a healthy lifestyle will be imperative. Those with high blood pressure or cholesterol should not supplement with this steroid. If you are healthy enough for use a blood pressure and cholesterol friendly lifestyle will be imperative. The individual’s diet should be rich in omega fatty acids; daily fish oil supplementation is highly advised. The individual should also strictly limit saturated fats and simple sugars and ensure he implements daily cardiovascular activity into his routine. The use of a cholesterol antioxidant supplement is also highly advised.

The side effects of Superdrol will include natural testosterone suppression in all men who use the steroid, and it will be significant. The use of exogenous testosterone is advised. Those who do not include exogenous testosterone of some form with their Superdrol use will place their body in a low testosterone state. The form of testosterone you choose is inconsequential, all that matters is your body receives the testosterone it needs as this hormone is essential to a healthy a properly functioning body.
Once the use of Superdrol has come to an end and all exogenous hormones have cleared the system natural testosterone production will begin again. However, levels will still be low and most are encouraged to implement a Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) program. A PCT program will stimulate natural testosterone production, which will protect your physique as well as your overall health. It will also greatly cut down the total time to recovery. A PCT plan will not return your testosterone levels back to normal on its own, this will take some time, but it will ensure you have enough testosterone for proper bodily function.
An important note on natural testosterone recovery – natural testosterone recovery assumes no damage was done to the body due to improper supplementation practices. It also assumes there was no prior existing low testosterone condition.

Superdol, like all C17-aa anabolic steroids, is hepatotoxic and can potentially stress and damage the liver. Use must not be undertaken if the liver isn’t healthy. During use, liver enzyme values will increase in all who use this steroid. However, an increase in liver enzyme values does not equate to damage but is rather an indicator of stress. However, it will lead to damage if possible precautions are not followed. All who supplement with Superdrol must follow the following recommendations: No other C17-aa steroids should be used during Superdrol use. Excess alcohol consumption must be avoided. Heavy alcohol consumption is tremendously stressful to the liver on its own, and with Superdrol use this will lead to severe liver stress and greatly exasperate the probability of liver damage. Most are encouraged to avoid all alcohol consumption during use of this steroid. Keep in mind, the only reason to use this steroid is for performance purposes, and not only will the added alcohol damage your health there is no substance as anti-performance as alcohol. Over the counter medications should be avoided at all times when possible. Many over the counter medications are hepatotoxic, and in many cases, just as if not more than many anabolic steroids. Use should be limited to when only absolutely necessary. Total use should not exceed eight weeks and most will find a total time frame of six weeks to be best. No C17-aa steroids including Superdrol should be used for at least 6-8 weeks post Superdrol use, and a longer time frame of no use will be healthier. The use of a liver detoxification supplement is highly advised when using Superdrol. If you can follow the above guidelines it will be possible to protect your liver’s health, but you will need to keep an eye on it. All who supplement with Superdrol are strongly encouraged to keep a close eye on their blood pressure, cholesterol and liver health.

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